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There and Here

Borrego Springs, California:  Dear Reader, why would anyone leave this lovely view?

So pretty. So calming. True, but our bus has wheels for a reason, and we have been here for 42 nights already (can you believe it?)... except for all those nights in Los Angeles hotels, of course. It was time to give the Magna Peregrinus some exercise - so we put everything away and hit the road.

Actually, after 42 nights of staying in one place, it is probably a good idea to move on. It is amazing how much "stuff" tends to be left out if you are not moving often. I had not put the tow car through the paces in 42 days! I'm old. My memory tends to play tricks on me. And, as Jimmy Buffett would say: I don't want to lose my touch.

Look - the back-up lights are on! Slide rooms are in! Satellite dishes are down! One good thing about owning your own campsite - there is no check-out time.

One hour later, we were in Borrego Springs - in a perfect campsite at The Springs in Borrego RV Resort. We just love Borrego Springs. We have no idea why. There are only a few restaurants. The town is teeny. The grocery store is seriously lacking. What brings us back over and over again? The people. The desert. The golf. The art in the middle of freaking no-where. The farmers market. The blooming ocotillo. The hiking. Borrego Springs is the smallest and strangest town we visit - but once you visit, you will find yourself longing to return.

We weren't here thirty minutes before friends we met on our last visit to Borrego Springs stopped by - recognizing our RV - and inviting us down for cocktails. It's just that kinda place.

This will be our home all week.


I had a batch of organic celery stock in the freezer, so tonight I whipped-up a veggie soup for DT with the stock, onion, garlic, celery and diced potato.

I think it would be called "Cream of Celery Soup"... but don't worry, I also fed him something with a little more substance. I have been working on a pizza roll-up idea with jalapeno and green chiles.


The recipe is basically perfected, but I will give it one more try before I post it on this website.


Until my next update, I remain, your Borrego Springs correspondent.

RV Park:  The Springs in Borrego RV Resort. This place has it all. Long pull-through and a few back-in sites. All full service. Fabulous pool and spring-fed hot spring hot tubs. Rec rooms, fitness center, organized outings and happy hours, regulation 9-hole golf course and the best dog run we have ever seen. We are paying $65 per night. Ouch.